Country or region
- Mexico
Trade topics
- Negotiations and agreements
Trade relations between the EU and Mexico are currently governed by the trade pillar of a 2000 agreement called the EU-Mexico Economic Partnership, Political Coordination and Cooperation Agreement (also referred to as the ‘Global Agreement’).
On 17 January 2025, the EU concluded negotiations on a modernised Global Agreement with Mexico.
Once ratified, the EU’s modernised Global Agreement with Mexico will replace the agreement currently in force.
- Press release - Negotiators conclude on modernised Global Agreement with Mexico
- Questions and answers
- The EU’s Global Agreement with Mexico - In brief
The new deal will:
- Increase EU agri-food exports by removing high tariffs, benefitting European farmers;
- Make it easier for EU companies to bid for government contracts, invest and provide services in a variety of sectors in Mexico;
- Provide extra benefits for small businesses through simplified standards and procedures;
- Strengthen the protection of climate and labour rights through enhanced cooperation and enforceable commitments, and;
- Allow more secure supply of materials critical for the green and digital transitions.
About the agreement
Read the different sections of the agreement
Negotiation round reports and textual proposals
Find out more about the EU-Mexico agreement.
The EU-Mexico agreement explained
The EU-Mexico deal explained in plain English.
EU-Mexico trade in your town
See detailed data on companies exporting from each European town to Mexico.
Austria - A caffeine boost for European exports
The Austrian Coffeeshop Company has over 300 franchises worldwide. The company’s international expansion was also possible thanks to the EU’s trade agreements with countries such as Mexico, Morocco, and Egypt, which reduced much of the administrative work needed to enter those markets.
EU trade deals give Europeans more and more opportunities. Find out more.
More on Trade relations
EU trade relations with Mexico.
Exporting from the EU, importing into the EU — all you need to know is on the Access2Markets portal
Latest news
- Press release
- 17 January 2025
Negotiators conclude on modernised Global Agreement with Mexico
Political negotiations have concluded to modernise the EU’s Global Agreement with Mexico, following political engagement between Commissioner for Trade and Economic Security Maroš Šefčovič and Mexican Secretary of Economy Marcelo Ebrard.
1 min read
News article
23 October 2020
EU and Mexico celebrate 20 years of partnership - Joint press release
This year, the EU and Mexico celebrate the 20th anniversary of the entry into force of their Economic Partnership, Political Coordination and Cooperation Agreement, known as the Global Agreement.
1 min read
Press release
28 April 2020
EU and Mexico conclude negotiations for new trade agreement
The European Union and Mexico concluded today the last outstanding element of the negotiation of their new trade agreement.
Eso es lo que hace falta
Ojala y si,que México y la Union Europea refuerzen su compromiso con un comercio abierto que permita a las dos partes crecer y renovarse .Tanto la UE como México están en el fuego cruzado de las amenazas arancelarias de Trump,que le tumben sus planes.Lo siento por nosotros en USA que somos los que pagaremos los platos rotos.
Y si eh… no es bueno echar todos los huevos en una sola canasta…esta es una muy buena noticia.
Todo apunta que ya se firmo el tratado este enero 17, totalmente de acuerdo con tu escrito @Lili, nosotros como quiera aqui en EU, lo importante que Mexico salga adelante con todas estas amenazas que no deja de hacer Trump para someter y se haga su santa voluntad. Ya lo hizo en su mandato anterior pero este segundo bien aun peor. Gracias por pasar al tema.
Así debe ser.