George Soros wants a Race War in America

Targeted Justice Newsletter


Thu, Nov 16 at 10:49 AM

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# George Soros wants a Race War in America

### Don’t fall for it…

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Targeted Justice tries to avoid political articles, because that is not our primary purpose. However, Soros and the Open Society are funding the Deep State - the very organization that we are opposed to. Make no mistake - George Soros and the Open Society are funding the targeting program through numerous organizations.

We want Targeted Individuals to know who is behind the targeting program.


#### George & Alexander

The Deep State criminal known as George Soros, has been investing in a Race War for many years.

You can’t make this up. He doesn’t care about the consequences, he only wants to make money. He fully admits this. He has invested heavily in Euro Bonds, hoping that the US Dollar will fall in value, once a Race War begins.

He has a son, that recently took over his empire of wealth - Alexander.

Soros has invested hundreds of millions of dollars into shady organizations, paid for the campaigns of crooked District Attorneys, and more. If he invested in your organization - you should consider how it is being manipulated.


#### The Deep State provides the funding for the targeting program

Soros pals include Bill Gates, Dr Fauci, Chuck Schumer, and Nancy Pelosi. If you don’t know who works for the Deep State, you might want to do more reading. Look for his photos on the internet to see who his friends are…


#### PHOTO Kamala Harris Shaking Hands With Alex Soros


#### Targeted Justice is committed to non-violence

The Deep State criminals will use their subliminal messaging to influence you. Don’t fall for it. They will use peer pressure, to get you to commit crimes. Don’t do it.


Targeted Justice is committed to non-violence. We can win this battle legally and without violence. Many of our members are true Christians. They are willing to walk the walk, and talk the talk. No violence. And we never intend to threaten anyone. Please stand with us.


Soros’ radical agenda is very real.

##### According to the Soros-founded Open Society Foundations’ website, “George Soros… has given over $32 billion to fund the Open Society Foundations, which work in over 120 countries around the world.”


Perhaps most alarmingly, Soros has indicated he’s planning to continue his assault on safe streets in the future. Soros is pushing for free crime. He boasted that he has “no intention of stopping” his support of radical prosecutors like Kimberly Gardner in St. Louis, Larry Krasner in Philadelphia, and Kim Foxx in Chicago.


#### Quotes by George Soros:

George Soros (110+ Sourced Quotes) - Lib Quotes

Top 30 GEORGE SOROS quotes and sayings

1. “I fancied myself as some kind of god or an economic reformer like Keynes.”
2. “As an anonymous participant in financial markets, I never had to weigh the social consequences of my actions… I felt justified in ignoring them on the grounds that I was playing by the rules.”
3. “I give away something up to $500 million a year throughout the world promoting Open Society.” (His definition of an open society is very different than what you or I think)
4. “Whenever there is a conflict between universal principles and self-interest, self-interest is likely to prevail.”
5. “American supremacy is the greatest threat to the world today.”
6. “Destroying America will be the culmination of my life’s work.”
7. “The main enemy of the open society, I believe, is no longer the communist but the capitalist threat.”/

#### Elon

Elon Musk doesn’t like Soros - “You assume they are good intentions. They are not. He wants to erode the very fabric of civilization. Soros hates humanity.”


##### Home Address:

  • George Soros*
  • 178 Cantitoe Street*
  • Katonah, NY 10536|*