La gobernadora republicana se jacta de dispararle a su propio cachorro por ser “inentrenable”...

La historia de Cricket, un perro braco de pelo duro de 14 meses, es especialmente impactante.

Noem cuenta cómo llevó al cachorro a un viaje de caza con la esperanza de calmar su comportamiento rebelde, según The Associated Press.

Sin embargo, en lugar de comportarse, Cricket persiguió a los faisanes y causó estragos en una granja local, matando gallinas y atacando al ganado.

Ante esta situación, Noem tomó la decisión de matar al perro, llevándolo a un pozo de grava y disparándole.


críticas, redes sociales, integridad, políticas conservadoras, polémica, decisión difícil, MundoNOW

Foto: Shutterstock

«Odiaba a ese perro», escribe Noem, considerándola «rebelde». Noem también relata en su libro el asesinato de una cabra que, según ella, era agresiva y maloliente.

Después de un intento fallido de matar a la cabra con un disparo, la gobernadora regresó con otro cartucho y le disparó de nuevo hasta matarla.

Estos relatos han desencadenado una fuerte condena en las redes sociales y en la esfera política.

La reacción no se ha hecho esperar. Grupos conservadores y críticos de Noem han utilizado estas revelaciones para atacar su integridad y cuestionar su idoneidad como líder política.

Es la escogida por Donald Trump para vicepresidenta de estados unidos…









  1. Hay que avisarle rápidamente a tron que ella es mala señorita Laura y que mejor le regale un carrito sanguchero y no la coja para vicepresidenta.

  2. Si va hacer el papel de la malaharris…me vale…esa sólo se presenta a cobrar su quincena…

Ambos se pueden Juntar…son de la misma calaña…


1 me gusta

Papi tron no mata perritos :dog2:

La gobernadora de Dakota del Sur, Kristi Noem, potencial compañera de fórmula del futuro candidato presidencial republicano Donald Trump , está atrayendo atención nuevamente. Esta vez, es para un nuevo libro en el que escribe sobre matar a un perro rebelde y también a una cabra maloliente.

Todavía que no se te frize el cuico…es sólo una opción potencial…no hay nada definido perro…ella a ti no te va disparar…

no te preocupes Mono ella le dispara a los chuchos , pero es protectora de los gays
Tu y Ezel estan seguros , quien quita y te adopte

Tu mejor que sigas en el closet metido y no tomes tequila…porque aqui sabemos que cuando tomas te pones sentimental y se te moja la canoa…


No hay mas nadie…

No te preocupes que no tarda en entrar la anciana Linajuda a defenderte😁

[quote=“TejeringoElChico, post:12, topic:95616, full:true”]
No te oreocuoes que no tarda n entrar la anciana Linajuda a defenderte😁

Oh gosh …when are you gonna label me for important stuff? :thinking:

En qué cabeza cabe esa nota AMARILLISTA? No que me importe la Noem, ya estaría presa y la AA no estaria durmiendo detrás de tal atrocidad.

MANDA FUEGO SEÑOR!!! :fire: :raised_hands: ilumínale un buen tema de MOFONGO.

Gov. Kristi Noem Admits To Shooting One Of Her Dogs In New Book | HuffPost Latest News

Gov. Kristi Noem Admits To Shooting One Of Her Dogs In New Book


Ella misma lo dijo…

Cuando lo anucio Trump? perro chismoso

Mejor habla del tolloooo que tiene biden en este país lo volvió una :poop:

1 me gusta

Trump VP contender Kristi Noem defends killing her dog

One of Donald Trump’s potential running mates is facing criticism for sharing a story in her memoir about how she killed her dog.

Kristi Noem, 52, the governor of South Dakota, wrote in her soon-to-be released memoir that the dog, Cricket, was “untrainable” and “dangerous”.

After deciding she needed to be put down, Ms Noem led the dog to a gravel pit and shot her.

“It was not a pleasant job,” she wrote. “But it had to be done.”

The memoir, titled No Going Back: The Truth on What’s Wrong with Politics and How We Move America Forward, is due for release on 7 May, though an excerpt was obtained by The Guardian.

The story was met with condemnation online.

The Democratic National Committee said: “If you want elected officials who don’t brag about brutally killing their pets… vote Democrat.”

Meghan McCain, the daughter of 2008 Republican presidential candidate John McCain, said: “You can recover from a lot of things in politics, change the narrative etc - but not from killing a dog.”

Ms Noem defended herself in a post on Twitter/X, saying: “We love animals, but tough decisions like this happen all the time on a farm.”

She promised more “real, honest, and politically incorrect stories” in her upcoming book.

Ms Noem, who dropped out of college at age 22 to run her family farm in South Dakota, wrote in the memoir of trying to teach Cricket, a 14-month old wirehaired pointer, how to behave by taking her on a pheasant hunt with some older dogs.

But attempts to discipline her, including using an electronic collar, failed, she said.

On the way home from the hunt, she stopped to talk to a local family when Cricket escaped and attacked their chickens, “grabbing one chicken at a time, crunching it to death with one bite”.

She said that the dog “whipped around to bite me” when she tried to bring it under control and that during the incident, Cricket was “the picture of pure joy”.

After apologising to the family for the dog’s behaviour, she said she realised it had to be put down.

“I hated that dog,” she said.

The situation made her realise “another unpleasant job needed to be done” that day - getting rid of a male goat her family owned.

The goat was “nasty and mean”, smelled “disgusting, musky, rancid”, and would chase her young children, knocking them down.

Ms Noem said she shot down the goat in the same manner as Cricket, though the goat survived the first bullet, forcing her to go back to her truck to retrieve another shell.

The school bus dropped her children off shortly afterwards.

Noticing that the dog was nowhere to be found, her daughter asked: “Hey, where’s Cricket?”

In the book excerpt, Ms Noem said that she shared the story to illustrate her willingness to do things that are “difficult, messy and ugly” both in politics and in life if necessary.

“I guess if I were a better politician, I wouldn’t tell the story here,” she said.

Mr Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee for president, has hinted that Ms Noem is on his list of potential running mates.

Ms Noem served as her state’s lone member in the House of Representatives for eight years before being elected its first female governor in 2018.

No compares a Biden con Donald Trump…

Kristi Noem es otra p*ta barata del partido Republicano que tiene la sangre fria y carece de empatia por los demas. :thinking:

Cabe mencionar que ella le pone los cuernos descaradamente a su marido mientras sale de viaje con su amante Corey Lewandowski. :joy: